Treatments for cavity are ofter taken late by patients with the excuse of irregularly repeated pains.
However, taking a dental treatment as soon as you feel pain is always recommended.
Dental Caries
The treatment modality for cavity varies depending on the place and size of cavity.
Depending on the size of cavity, you can take In-lay treatment for a small size or On-lay for a large size
Resin Filling
Resin is an aesthetic material which is similar to the color of the original tooth. If the size of cavity is small, the cut part is filled with resin after removing decayed part. It can be completed with one visit.
Resin In-lay
Resin In-lay, manufactured in the color of the original tooth, is for the patient who has cavity, shown outwardly, in the large area. We recommend this resin inlay to the patient who has already has treated with amalgam or gold.
Ceramic In-lay
As an aesthetic dental material in the color of the original tooth, Ceramic In-lay is also recommended, to whom doesn’t want to show a treated part of tooth.
Gold In-lay
For the patient who has cavity in large area, especially on molar requiring
a high biting force, Gold In-lay is recommended. It is not harmful to human
body, and similar in strength and hardness to the original tooth.
Gold Crown
If root canal treatment is proceeded on the tooth infected by a serious cavity, the root canal should be completely disinfected, cut, and filled with body friendly dental material. Then, the tooth can be used as the original tooth. Because endodontic treatment is applied to a seriously decayed or broken tooth, the whole body of treated tooth should be covered with a crown.
S-PALNT dental hospital’s endodontic treatment is
specialized the treatment with fine optical microscope.
The difference between naked eye and the vision of microscope is enormous. The fine optical microscope is very helpful especially in precision required process, such as root canal treatment, identifying microcrack of tooth, and root end surgery(apicoectomy). With the fine optical microscope, it is possible to check clearly the area of cavity. Therefore, a successful treatment with minimizing cutting tooth and minimum visit is possible.